
TETRON® CD are made up of an elastomer pad confined in a steel cylinder or pot, which is fitted on the top with a circular steel plate (piston).

The elastomer behaves like a viscous fluid under high pressure flowing to allow rotation and tilting movements of the piston about any horizontal axis.
For guided or fixed bearings, external lateral forces are transmitted by suitable restraints or guides.


Why choose TETRON® pot bearings

01. Durable and low maintenance

  • Virgin PTFE
  • Stainless steel sheet
  • 02. Small footprint

    Moderate space required

    03. Tailor made

    Custom design to suit the type of structure and the needs of the project.

    04. Adaptable to all standards

    Compliance with all national and international standards.

    05. Cost-effective solution

  • Uniform distribution of loads through the structure
  • For vertical loads up to 50 000 kN
  • Small and moderate horizontal loads
  • 06. Certified product

    CE marking for EN standard and PTFE sliding material.

    07. Usable as a launching bearing

    For launching operations instead of temporary stools.

    08. Usable as an anti-uplift system

    Specific design available to withstand tension loads.

    TETRON CD naming system

    The naming system of TETRON CD pot bearings reflects the important characteristics of each product in the range, for maximum accuracy and transparency.


    • TETRON CD GL 20,000-250.40
    • TETRON CD GGL 20,000-800.40
    • TETRON CD FX 20,000-900

    Free sliding bearing





    Vertical load
    at ULS in kN

    –    250

    Total acceptable
    longitudinal movement in mm

    •   40

    Total acceptable
    transverse movement in mm


    Guide bearing

    –    800

    Vertical load at ULS in kN

    •   40

    Total acceptable
    transverse movement in mm


    Guide bearing

    –    800

    Transverse load at ULS in kN


    •   40

    Total acceptable
    longitudinal movement in mm


    Fixed bearing


    Horizontal load at ULS in kN

    (resustant of x/y)
    *x : longitudinal axis | y: transvers axis



    Download our technical datasheets and certificates
    Type of structure
    All types of bridges, buildings, stadiums, water and energy infrastructure.
    Maximum vertical load
    50 MN for standard models
    Maximum horizontal load
    30% of vertical load for standard models
    Maximum rotation
    30 mrad
    Acceptable longitudinal movement
    Tetron CD GL (free sliding): no limit
    Tetron CD GG (guided): no limit
    Design life
    50 years
    Allowable temperature
    From -35°C to +48°C

    Pot bearing GL Free sliding

    Discover our references

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    You have a question about our solutions or you already have a project in mind? Please fill out the form below and our teams will get back to you shortly.